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Purchased software, also known as on-premises software, involves a one-time acquisition cost, allowing the buyer to own the software license indefinitely. This approach offers several advantages, including full control over the software environment, customization capabilities, and potentially lower long-term costs for organizations not needing regular updates or support. It also provides a higher level of security and privacy, as the software runs on the organization's own infrastructure, reducing reliance on external data centers and the risks associated with transmitting data over the internet.

However, the initial investment for purchased software can be significant, including the costs for hardware, installation, and ongoing maintenance. Organizations must also allocate resources for managing the software, including IT staff for updates, patches, and troubleshooting. Over time, purchased software may become outdated, lacking the latest features and improvements available in newer versions or SaaS offerings. This can lead to compatibility issues with new hardware or software, potentially requiring costly upgrades or replacements. The flexibility is also limited compared to SaaS solutions, which offer easy scalability and access from anywhere, making it challenging for organizations to adapt quickly to changing business needs.

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Last updated: 1 month
B-Association, founded in 2010, provides membership management solutions, including event management and online payments, prioritising user-friendly interfaces and customisation for diverse organisational needs.